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Thursday, August 24, 2023

A thought concept: Black Hole Stability & Existence

 I was just sitting here thinking about space and a thought crossed my mind.

When mass is drawn in to a central point through the effects of gravity it usually after a while just explodes back out, so with that being said, how -does- a black hole form?

What level of force does it take to condense matter down so hard that it's density exceeds it's ever present need to not be condensed?

Does a Black Hole need an extremely cold mass of matter?
If so, how does it not heat it up beyond Black Hole Criticality?
Does it form from collapsing stars?
If so, how does the star not go super nova before?

A black hole by all means is an Anomaly,
But Anomalies may be the key to understand what existence is.

- W <3 L F

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