What's a Zombie Apocalypse?
A zombie apocalypse is when an apocalyptic outbreak, insanity, or in general overwhelmingly high portions of cannibals. it may be viral or it may be a gas.Will a Zombie Apocalypse Happen?
Probably not soon, but it is totally possible. example to those who don't believe, A man in Florida went sniffing bath salts and got a zombie insanity high and basically became a cannibal. so incase it does happen, here you go! (read pre-apocalypse)Why would you care if we survive?
Well... I care very much about survival and preservation of a lot of thing (practically everything), so I want to help my fellow humans in Not getting their butts handed to them on a silver platter by a bloody walking corpse!Get up and Going
first thing is first, You need to get supplies together as soon as you can after the outbreak occurs. Go through your stuff and make crucial decisions on what to keep and what not to keep.
Do keep:
- Medical supplies
- Weapons
- Tools
- Storage
- Non-Perishable food and water
Don't keep:
- Luxury items and furniture - There's time for luxury later, during thrival... now it's survival
- Heavy Items that do not help you survive
- Electrical lighting (like lamps, use a lantern or a candle instead)
Now after you get out of your house you need to Get away from densely populated areas!
The more people in an area, the faster infection spreads... all infections, Go to the country side.
Surviving your first day
After you get up and go you'll need to survive a day with out getting eaten. First, look for a place with decent supplies and low population (Farm)
- Forest (the most raw supplies)
- Farms
- Islands
- Low populated areas
- High Resource density
- Malls
- Stores
- Rooftops
- Cities
- Populated areas
On your way, find anything to use for a weapons like a old table leg or a comb with a sharpened end (Comb shank). Never go into unarmed combat, especially with more than one zombie.
After you get there, make sure there isn't zombies, check anywhere a zombie can fit or hide. if there is a zombie, kill it. After clearing the area find the best place to be. Usually a preferred spot is high up or in hard to reach locations. Don't be afraid of fire, in a flash you can use fire to make a zombie into a corpse torch.
Tools, Weapons, Ammo, and storage
You'll want a good amount of tools and weapons. Usually a bow and arrow is a good starter weapon due to it's easily accessible ammunition and creation, but if you want something with more of a kick and have some BB bullets or airsoft bullets then I'll give you the steps on how to make a Pneumatic Machine Gun!
- First, get started by seeing how much materials you have
- Second, Get a air pressure trigger, there easy to find at warehouses and workshops
- Third, get a tube (like a piece of thin PVC or a 22 mm metal tube) and make sure your ammo can fit in the tube, but still have a relatively small gap between it and the tube it's self
- Fourth, get something to hold Air pressure (like a soda bottle or metal air tank) and give it a strap to allow it to be held on your back easily (optional) Make sure you have an air valve for your pump of choice
- Fifth, get something to hold ammo and insert the barrel
- Sixth, cut a hole in the ammo holder (make sure to measure it) for the barrel and air pressure release trigger
- Seventh, put it all together and make sure you can put ammo in it
Here's some helpful videos...
Now, you might want to pick some thing else... maybe a little easier to find parts for and/or to make. Maybe you like pole arms like spears and javelins. Spears are easier to make than a pressure gun and easily affordable with the same results in killing.
I can go on and on about weapons, but it's not my choice what weapon type you want to specialize in. If you want to specialize in a particular weapon or weapons, you want to train your self to work good with that weapon/those weapons. Find multiple ways of using that weapon/those weapons and making them too.
Weapons, like a lot of things, can be customizable and modifiable. A possible modification for a weapon might be coating it in poison or dousing it in gasoline and lighting it on fire. Another is attaching a electricity source to a metal weapon (with a insulating grip, of course)
Ammunition can be anything from sticks to water. Right now I'll tell you, yes you can weaponize water by a good nozzle and a lot of water pressure. You can use a butt load of tooth picks in a fast firing air gun to make a barrage of tiny wooden splinters.
Storage is pretty easy to achieve. Just find a spot with something to cover your supplies to save it from rain and the elements and something to keep it off the ground. There is plenty of storage room in warehouses and possibly a well kept workshop too.
Tools are essential to thrival, you need to make tools to make better weapons, storage, shelter, and more. The first tool you'll ever need is Fire! Don't under estimate it, because fire is used in refining, cooking, powering, and more, along with water. Ironically the two things that don't mix are some of the most helpful things you'll need. to make more tools, you'll need to heat harden wooden tools to get more materials, like food. If you want to cut down a tree though, you'll need to find stone.
By the way... /\ You can learn a lot from this guy...
Now, if you don't have a place you emptied out yet, you'll need a roof over your head. Now you can either take over a place, share a place, find an empty place, or make your own place. Don't under estimate the use of mud when making a house. You can make mud bricks easily to make a foundation and walls!
Now, when you make your first house, it may not turn out that good, but anything is better than sleeping out in the open.
Base Protection
If you want to make your stay extended or permanent, you'll need to know the art of barricades. There are multiple barricade types. The ones you'll mainly need to focus on are...
- Offensive barricades (gun man posts, Sniping towers, traps, etc.)
- Defensive barricades (moats, walls, wood over windows, etc.)
- Supplying barricades (traps, hunting posts, etc..)
- Housing barricades (the house it's self)
You can set up as many barricades as you want, just remember to reset your traps!
Teaming up
Nothing ups your odds like surviving with your best friends. If you have no friends, what better way than nomadically wandering the wastelands. If you have enough time, you can stop to grab that person who holds a special place in your heart and protect them. Just make sure you don't team up with a mad man, but if you do... let them down gently or else they may take over your base and steal all of your supplies.
Now that you have gotten out of the cities and populated areas, you need to get raw resources and every resources you can get. Use maple wood trees for maple syrup or their sweetened water in the fall, just by it's self. Their are many resources in the woods, just make sure you know what to eat.
When you take care of fatigue, make sure you don't sleep by sun up to sun down, but when fatigue is felt. There are no schedules in the apocalypse besides Survive 'O' Clock. Energy drinks are good in moderation for short bursts of energy to get away.
If you want a vehicle, your best bet would be Quiet vehicle that preferable use NO FUEL. cars will attract zombie and are loud and take a lot of maintenance. Bicycles are quiet and provide constant exercise.
Getting technology on your side
When your surviving, you may come across some technology that you tossed aside thinking you won't be able to power or use it. In fact, if you survive you'll move to thriving. In the stage of thrival you have already got a skill for killing zombies and hunting and basically not dying. After you get not dying down you can start getting luxury items and more advance items to aid in survival. Hydro, wind, solar, and more! There are many ways to power your machines. If you don't have a skill in technology, find and/or group with some one who does, that way they can help you set up a electricity system to get better barricades!
Chances are, you might meet someone with a little skill in science. Don't blame the deaths of millions on them or attack them... well... don't attack them. Scientists would be useful in researching the cure and finding better ways to survive.
Wrapping up
I hope this guide helped you in your survival! I might make another later on. till then...
Keep Howling my Wolves!
Boooo, get off the strange, ya' cringey NERRRRD