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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Interesting idea

So I was thinking about models and what not cause I was thinking about how to make models and how to effect models with physics when I thought of something...

Imagine  a system that allows you to squash or stretch models based on your own set parameters.

for example, when doing cloth simulations you will often run into the issue of when you put the model's arm down to their side the model will collide with the other part of the model. if you make it so they can just go through, the physics won't know what to do... but what if you made it so that there is something there that can define how the model would react in the situation. Accurately and realistically squish and change the model temporarily to reflect it like arms pressing against the side, pants pulling in a stomach, thighs squished by tight clothes, and just general parts of the body when pressed against other objects.

Perhaps there could even be a way to define this through weight painting as a primitive form of a proper physics engine that could simulate that.

and if physics engines can accurately simulate cloth, water, fat/flesh, and actually change models on the fly, then imagine what could come next...

Wedging simulations, Destruction Sims, Etc! So on and So Forth!