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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Project: Ex Deo - Devlog 2


So another day, another... few steps of progress.

Fixed up the player controller to be... better in general.
Camera now follows mouse movement too.
Definitely need to tie it to the camera instead, but for now it works.

And that was it. I, once again, got very distracted.

oh well.

- W<3LF

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

2K Pageviews!

 Awe Heck! Look at that! 2K pageviews!

Man, it's been a journey so far... surprised anyone looks at this silly thing, honestly.

Well, Thanks for keeping up with me.

I hope you're doing well. :)

I don't really know what to say, but I have so many ideas I want to do and so much to say and I am just happy to have my blog as my little... brain outlet. I never really expected anyone to really care about it, but honestly with how long I've done this as a lil... slice of me time... it's nice.

Thank you all for 2K page views.

Keep Howling,


Project: Ex Deo - Devlog 1


So! Taking a word of advice from another Game Dev and doing Devlogs for what ever this will turn into. I have not done anything substantial with Unity beyond, well, one VRC avatar and putting things into it along with some few physics object things long ago and many Many Many random ideas I suddenly would try, fail, and forget due to a crucial error.

I don't really know how to use Unity and it's markup at all.
I have great knowledge on Programming, Mathematics, and Logic, I am even Certified In C# and can imagine the exact steps needed for code to work out; However, I literally have no clue how to do all of that inside of the reign of Unity...

So today I opened up Unity and pushed myself to actually do... SOMETHING... And something I did! after hours upon hours of just staring at a flat plane with a capsule that has the main camera parented to it I finally did two things, firstly setting up my Visual Studio so it's Intellisense is actually working with Unity cause mine wasn't, and secondly I went and... made a script that turns the capsule by 5 degrees each time I pressed space. Couldn't even hold it down, but ya' know... first small steps.

Hopefully tomorrow I can shake off the funk and start to get into something more substantially but I don't quite have... well, not that I don't have high hopes, but rather I know I won't really do too much crazy stuff; However, I can share some ideas I had that I wanted to mess around with.

For Project: Ex Deo I want to experiment with learning how to...

- Do Souls-like Combat

- Do an Interesting and Open Crafting System

- Take my first steps into procedural generation.

We shall see if this leads to anything, but yeah, that's all for now.
Much Love,