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Saturday, November 26, 2022

SOTDT Announcement: Progress Update: 11/26/2022

 Progress Update: 11/26/2022

    Updates and Announcements have been quiet for the past while, but progress has been continuing ever so slowly. I will keep everyone informed, but current progress updates are there is a LOT of content ideas thought out or written down, balancing has been lightly touched up but could use more work, Lore is all planned out and partially written down, Art is unfinished beyond conceptual art for a few things, and there is definitely a lot of trimming to do.
    As the creator and sole person responsible for working on it, I, myself, have been the greatest limiting factor to it, considering before my announcement for it I've worked on it for years already, so it's been slow going and has been slowed down more by my current mental state and funk; However, progress does continue, aside from that it's all quiet on the western front.

 - Wolf