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Monday, June 21, 2021


 What if we all could stand together?
Everyone from all sorts of walks of life.

Ancient Armament enthusiasts with Gun nuts
LGBTQ+ with Racial minorities
Gamers, Furries, and Anime lovers
And everyone else who ever had someone just
not understand.

I dream of a day when everyone can say "Today is a good day"
and not have to worry about if their day is about to be ruined
by some dusty old white guy outlawing them for being a slightly different human.
Or someone attacking them for enjoying something that they think is odd.
Or someone crippling their communities because they don't understand what violence really is.

Even the science communities and art communities see this.
Everyone in constant struggle and strife.

Maybe some day we will all be happy.
No doubt I messed up typing out my thoughts, but I do hope who ever reads this knows...

No matter what anyone else says
No matter what anyone else does
You are Amazing and Valid
You are Caring and Clevar
You are Cultured and Classy
You are Human.

and both God and I love and care about all of you.
- Wolf